The Functionality of a Government as well as Effective Governance and Efficient Public Administration are Interconnected: A Discussion
Keywords: Politics- Administration Dichotomy;
Complementarity Model; Efficiency and Good governance; Interconnection
The statement that the Functionality of a Government as well as Effective Governance and
Efficient Public Administration are Interconnected is attributable to the
school that repudiates the dichotomy between politics and administration.
For more than a century, the politics and
administration dichotomy debate has been one of the most disreputable issues in
the field of public administration. The politics-administration dichotomy has
had a strange history in public administration. It expands and contracts, rises
and falls, but never to go away (Svara & Overeem, 2006: 121).
If truth be told, the difference between politics
and administration is really hard to tell as the former heavily influences the
latter, or vice versa. Nevertheless the discussion has gone a long way (Jison
Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow represent the
classical proponents of the dichotomy between politics and administration.
Wilson stated four reasons why there
should be a science of administration: (1) straighten the paths of government;
(2) make its business businesslike; (3) strengthen its organization; and (4)
crown its dutifulness (ibid.).
argued that certain aspects of administration were harmed by politics and
should have been shielded from it. He argued:
control over administrative functions is produce inefficient
administration in that it makes administrative officers feel that what is
demanded of them is not so much work that will improve their own department, as
compliance with the behests of the political party” (Goodnow, 1900: 83).
Be these as they may,
it should be recognized that Wilson and Goodnow aimed to eliminate the spoils
system by freeing administration from political intervention and establishing a
merit system in its place. They particularly opposed political appointments and
patronage (Caiden, 1984; Fry, 1989; Rohr, 2003; Rosenbloom, 2008).
One can argue that the
duo of Wilson and Goodnow couldn’t have advocated politics and administration
dichotomy if the spoil system didn’t exist. Suffice to say here is that USA and
Britain respectively represented by the two advocates of dichotomy have left
the “spoil stage” when politics contaminated administration.
This development has to
say the least, invalidated their arguments. Politics today in those countries
are clean so that its interaction with administration does not bring
contamination but mutual emancipation.
Wilson however in 1966
realized the error in his 1887 position and he shifted grounds.
He originally
considered politics and administration as independent, but later embraced
version of the dichotomy, which assumed that politics and administration
interact to improve the organic state (Martin, 1988).
In this time Wilson
asserted that administrators would directly interpret and respond to public
opinion. Therefore, they should be involved in the policy process and elected
officials should be involved in the administrative process (Wilson, 1966).
Interconnection between Effective Governance and Efficient Public
Politics and
administration are the two sides of a coin. Pfiffner states that in some
instances, politics and administration are so intermingled that a clear
distinction is difficult (Public Administration: Concepts and Theories; N.D).
To illustrate, the legislative veto and oversight function of the
Philippine Congress can be viewed as a manifestation of how it can act like and
share the authority of administration with the executive branch. Also, the
exclusive power of the President of the Philippines to introduce the budget
proposal to the Congress shows how the President can play a preeminent role in
policy agenda (Jison 2014). Such is the case in Nigeria too.
Those that attempted
separation of politics and administration tend to ignore the central pursuit of
public administration by improving the instruments of collective action and
creating conditions for the emergence of good civil society (Public
Administration: Concepts and Theories; Op. Cit.).
It follows therefore to
mean that good governance is the product of the collective action between
government and efficient public administration.
Gladden lays down three
general characteristics of an efficient system of public administration:
It must be capable of meeting the
functional aims for which it has been brought into being.
It must be able to meet the long term
changes postulated both by the alterations in the social environment and by the
general development of administrative technique.
It must, while conforming to a
centralised plan, be capable of meeting the various special demands of the
separate departmental units (ibid.).
Put differently,
administrative success will come to be measured by concrete success in policy implementation.
This will require the administrator to be fully involved in the process of
choice-making and planning (ibid.).
Here therefore, lies
the connection between effective government and efficient public
administration: Government strives to achieve good governance and needs public
administration to effectively implement its policies; whereas public
administration struggles to attain efficiency in its implementation of policies
and requires government (politics) to involve it in policy formulation so as to
achieve greater understanding of the policy for efficient implementation.
In other words,
government can’t achieve good governance without efficient policy
implementation while public administration can’t achieve efficient policy
implementation without being involved in policy formulation (politics).
Fig. 1.
interconnection between politics and administration in their pursuit of good
governance and efficiency respectively
interaction between politics and administration has its dangers:
The first part is the
political dominance that results from high political control and low
administrative independence. This is the condition that has been attacked by
reformers from the Progressive Era to the present because of their concern for
loss of administrative competence and the potential for political corruption.
The second part is
Bureaucratic autonomy that is feared by critics of the administrative state,
who argue that administrators are self-controlling and advance agency interests
rather than the public interest.
In both situations,
Svara explain, either the level of control or independence is extreme, and the
key reciprocating value is not present:
Politicians do not
respect administrators, or administrators are not committed to accountability.
and Administration Interactions and Complementatrity Model
The problems above were
addressed in Complementarity Model. Svara (2001:179-80) explain that the
complementarity Model of politics and administration is based on the premise
that elected officials and administrators join together in the common pursuit
of sound governance. Complementarity entails separate parts, but parts that
come together in a mutually supportive way. Complementarity stresses
interdependence along with distinct roles; compliance along with independence;
respect for political control along with a commitment to shape and implement
policy in ways that promote the public interest; deference to elected
incumbents along with adherence to the law and support for fair electoral
competition; and appreciation of politics along with support for professional
Svara believe that
Complementarity recognizes the interdependence and reciprocal influence between
elected officials and administrators. Elected officials and administrators
maintain distinct roles based on their unique perspectives and values and the
differences in their formal positions, but the functions they perform
necessarily overlap.
Fig. 2.
Complementarity Model
shows how the combination of low control and low independence produces a
"live and let live" attitude among officials.
discussion holds that the statement: “the functionality of a government as well
as effective governance and efficient public administration are
interconnected,” is very valid. The division between politics and
administration is as impossible as it is unnecessary since both of them can
never exist in isolation. They have been described as the two sides of a coin.
aware of the dangers that could emerge from the interaction of the duo, the
Complementarity Model has suggesting a condition that ensures "live and
let live."
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W. (1966), “The papers of Woodrow
Wilson”. 5 Princeton, N.READ MORE:
History of Aguleri and How they spread.
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