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*WAEC 2017/2018 SPECIMENS*
*Biology Specimens*
A- Winged termite
B- Maggot
C- Adult butterfly with open wings
D- Caterpillar
E- Grasshopper
F- Carrot with leaves attached
G- Irish potato
H- Adult mosquito
J- Adult cockroach

Group II
K- Euphorbia
L- Crab
M- Cat fish
N -Periwinkle in its shell
P- Shell of a land snail
Q- Housefly
R- Earthworm
S- Cross section of unripe mango fruit
T- Cross section of tomato fruit
NB: Specimen K,L,M,N,P are peculiar to candidates in Ghana only and should not be provided to for candidate in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia
*Agricultural Science Specimens*
A: sandy soil
B: loamy soil
C: clayey soil
D: granite
E: NPK 15 : 15 (labelled)
F: wood ash (unsieved)
G: limestone (labelled)
H: cow dung
I: wheelbarraw
J; file
K: palm oil
L: cotton lint
M: liverfluke
N: tick
O: feather
P: apid (live/preserved,diagram,photograph)
Q: cowpea seeds
R: coconut fruit
S: tridax
T: chicken
U: tilapia fish
Chemistry practical materials,Reagents,apparatuses.
A. One burrete of 50cm³ capacity
B. One pipette, either 20cm³ or 25cm³. All candidate at one center must use pipettes of the same volume. These should be clean and free from grease
C. The usual apparatus for titration
D. The usual apparatus and reagents for qualitative work including the following with all reagents appropriately labelled
I) red and blue litmus paper
Ii) aqueous ammonia
Iii) dilute hydrochloric acid
Iv) dilute sodium hydroxide solution
V) barium chloride solution
Vi) dilute trioxinitrate (V) acid
Vii) silver trioxonitrate (V) solution
Viii) lime water
E. Glass rod
F. Filtration apparatus
G. Spatula
H. Two boiling tubes
I. Four test tubes
J. Methyl orange indicator
K. Wash bottle containing distilled/deionized water
L. Mathematical table/calculator..
Two Retort stand;
Two metre rule;
Pieces of thread;
Stop watch.
Measuring cylinder(250cm^3);
Tripod stand with wire gauze;
Bunsen burner/ source of heart;
Stop watch/clock;
Table salt/common salt 50g
Note: The table salt should be available in 10g × 5 places for each candidate. Otherwise, am electronic balance should be provided
Two dry cells of 1.5v each;
Plug key;
Ammeter(0➖5 A);
Voltmeter(0➖5 v) ;
Small bulb(Torch light);
Ten connecting wire.I

Incoming Search Terms
2016/2017 waec
biology specimen
waec gce biology practical specimen
waec physics practical specimen
2017/2018 waec specimen
waec biology specimen 2017
waec 2017 physics specimen
2017 waec specimen
2016 2017 neco biology specimen

History Of Aguleri - Aguleri And neighborhoods


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