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Showing posts from May 14, 2023

History of Igbo

 The history of the Igbo people stretches back thousands of years, long before written records were kept. The origins of the Igbo people are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that they may have migrated from the Sudan region of Africa , possibly as early as 5000 BC. The Igbo people eventually settled in what is now known as Nigeria, where they formed a unique and complex society. The Igbo were a decentralized people, with no central government or political structure. Instead, they organized themselves into small, autonomous villages, each with its own ruler or council of elders . Despite their lack of a centralized government , the Igbo developed a sophisticated system of trade and commerce. They traded with other communities in the region, as well as with Arab and European traders along the coast. The Igbo were also known for their rich and diverse culture , which was expressed through their art, music, dance, and storytelling. They were particularly renowned for their ma...