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Showing posts from April 13, 2018

Is the Syrian Conflict the Beginning of the End?

It is granted that many analysts have hinted the unlikelihood of the break out of world war III from the Syrian conflict having monitored the dispositions of the super powers to an all-out war. Indeed, the super powers especially the US and allies are cautious with their reactions to Russia's provocations. Russia herself has taken to denials to the army of accusations from the West - a smart way of making the West believe that Russia is not out to challenge. The obvious caution against war by the super powers notwithstanding, the Syrian conflict is capable of taking the world by surprise leading to the much prophesied Armageddon. This position is hinged on a number of premises: (1) The conflict has many actors - prominent among them are the Assad's troops, Russia, ISIS, USA, Rebels, Turkey, Kurds, Hezbollah, Australia, etc. Each time I look at the array of actors in the conflict and there interests, it reminds me of the Hobbesian State of Nature where everybody...