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Showing posts from February 6, 2015

Do you believe in witches? Read Ifeoma's story.

Dear friends, My name is Ifeoma. I am from Nnewi, Anambra State. I read Economics at Imo State University. I served in Port-harcourt, Rivers State. That was where I met Obinna. He loves me. I really believe he does; I love him too. After our NYSC programme, he proposed to me. He was of the opinion that because he was the only male child of his family, that the family wants him to marry early.

Contending Epistemological Perspectives in Social Science Research Method

INTRODUCTION A journey into the world of knowledge could be made through many routes; so that right from the beginning of the earth, men had employed one or more of those routes in their quest for knowledge. “Research is only one of several ways of knowing ,” ( ). Knowledge gives wisdom. The quest for wisdom has generally been tagged as philosophy. The branch of philosophy that deals with how knowledge is gained is called epistemology , (Ibid.) Epistemologists are chiefly concerned on how Universe of Discourse (UoD), i.e, realities is made sense of. “ Sense-making from a constructivist point of view is a process of attributing meaning to constructions according to the actor's local reality and simultaneously influencing the local reality,” ( ). Epistemologists basically recognize these four different sources of knowledge: Intuitive Kno...


Introduction International relations which was generally seen as relations among nations and entities in the international arena begets international organizations. An international organization is a union of actors in the international arena, formed to perform specified functions and/or solve identified problems for the members and/or non members. The concept of an international organization can also be seen on the one hand as a logical progression in the evolution of political entities from the basic family or tribal grouping of pre- and early historic times to the feudal arrangements of early Europe which emerged following Peace of Westaphalia in 1648 (Imber 1984). A second perspective on international organization is that as being something antithetical to the state in effect an external entity which may subsume or destroy the state. This latter view is held by many chauvinists and protectionists who find the economic, political and cultural mongrelization which they claim...

Reflections on the Future of Education in Aguleri

Prof. Timothy Wangusa in his poem, The Taxi Driver on His Death wrote about a taxi driver who when with prophetic eye peered into the future and saw what the future held for him. I discuss the future of education in Aguleri obviously not with prophetic eyes because I am neither a prophet nor a son of a prophet but an ordinary Nwa Aguleri . I discuss it using the observable facts of the past and present. A friend of mine can boast of many informed quotations in his repertoire but his most favoured quotation has been that when the past is studied and compared with the present, the future could reliably be predicted.

Experimentation in the Study of Political Science

BY AJISAFE, BLESSING OLUMUYIWA                                                           Introduction Every civilization of human existence always have underlying phenomena that mitigate, support, brace and sponsor life in their different forms and structures. These phenomena can be in form of physically observable elements like weathers, terrains etc, as well as non physical, yet observable elements like political ideologies, deviance etc. if natural scientists argue that development is all about energy consumption, social scientists can safely opine that we are developed if we are aware enough to shape our interpersonal conducts amidst the complexity of the modern society. To do this, it is pert...

The Functionality of a Government as well as Effective Governance and Efficient Public Administration are Interconnected: A Discussion

Keywords: Politics- Administration Dichotomy; Complementarity Model; Efficiency and Good governance; Interconnection Introduction The statement that the Functionality of a Government as well as Effective Governance and Efficient Public Administration are Interconnected is attributable to the school that repudiates the dichotomy between politics and administration. For more than a century, the politics and administration dichotomy debate has been one of the most disreputable issues in the field of public administration. The politics-administration dichotomy has had a strange history in public administration. It expands and contracts, rises and falls, but never to go away (Svara & Overeem, 2006: 121). If truth be told, the difference between politics and administration is really hard to tell as the former heavily influences the latter, or vice versa. Nevertheless the discussion has gone a long way (Jison 2014).

A Research Proposal Sample on Russia - Ukraine Crisis

Abstract The rationale behind the annexation of Crimea by Russia has puzzled the minds of students, actors, observers and scholars of international relations alike. Many, especially, the idealists considered it a wanton disregard of the international laws. This proposal seeks to investigate National Interest and International Law: A Case Study of Russian Annexation of Crimea. With the framework of realism, it seeks to probe into the questions: What interest(s) informed Russian annexation of Crimea? Why did the International Law fail to restrict Russia from the annexation of Crimea? It hypothesized that: H 1:      Russia wants to restore her Soviet Empire. H 2 :    International Law lacks enforcement mechanism. Secondary method of data collection and content analysis is the proposed method of data collection and analysis. The result of the study is expected among other things, to reveal why Russia annexed Crimea; and offer practical advice to the...

A Correlation Analysis - Simplified Sample

A Correlation Analysis of the Use of English I, GES Results of Years 2013 and 2014 of the Students of Political Science, University of Ibadan Objectives of the Study 1.       To identify if there is an association between the results of the years under study; and also the degree of association if any. 2.       To ascertain if there is an improvement in the students’ performance or not in 2014 against the penultimate year. 3.       To advise both the two departments of Political Science and GES Programme of the University accordingly.