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Showing posts from October 11, 2014

Queen Idia Mask and the Bronze Head: Proundly Nigerian Artefacts!

                                         Queen Idia Mask                                                               Bronze Head from Ife Nigeria is a beautiful country with rich cultural background that dated centuries before contact with the colonial masters. A very good evidence that we had civilization before the advent of colonialism. The two wonderful ancient sculptures above are proudly Made in Nigeria. They have been taken away to the British Museum; and I want to use this medium to call for their return! It is better housed in our National Museum, the home museum. Home is home even if you live in Rome. The Ivory Mask of Queen Idia First, let me introduce you to Queen Idia. She was a queen that reigned in Benin in sixteen...

Nigeria, Good People, Great Nation

Hello, welcome to Nigerian Features. Nigeria is a great country bestriding the continent of Africa. It has rich culture as evidenced in her ancient sculptures. It is prodigally endowed, naturally. Nigerian people are strikingly hospitable that will keep your experience with them, excitingly memorable. These good people of Nigeria are skilled in all aspects of life; ranging from but not limited to science and technology, commerce and industry, academics, religion, agriculture and entertainment. I am here to showcase to the world, those feats, products and general achievements that are proudly Nigerian! Let's go there. Enjoy the ride with me. Ozeh Cornelius Ozeh