Mohamedou Ould Slahi reveals the hell suffered by inmates in Guantanamo prison in his diary. The 35 who after his study in Germany at the age of 18 said that he spent a year or so in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen, US ally as at that time, fighting Soviet invasion is still in prison in Guantanamo, illegally and without charge, after 13 years in US custody – 12 of them within the detention camp.
The Mauritanian pledged his allegiance
to al Qaeda in 1991 but claims he cut all ties with the group when he left a
year later. The US insisted he had acted as a recruiter and supporter for the
organisation in the years since then.
In 1992, he returned to Germany
– subsequently working there, in Canada, and Mauritania. Following 9/11, he
turned himself in to the Mauritanian authorities at their request.
In the prison, he wrote of
inhuman tortures by the US authorities from sleep deprivation, freezing,
isolation and diet manipulation, as well as physical and psychological humiliation.
The litany of mistreatment and "torture" Mr Slahi experienced at the
hands of American authorities is both shocking and appalling, as you can see from this extract.
Even after the order handed
down by the US District Court that he should be released, he is still in the
maximum prison confinements.
Before his election in 2008,
President Barack Obama pledged to shut down the prison camp but has failed to
do so. Around 200 inmates are still detained there.
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