Academy Award (R) winner Angelina Jolie directs and produces Unbroken, an
epic drama that follows the incredible life of Olympian and war hero Louis
"Louie" Zamperini (Jack O'Connell) who, along with two other crewmen,
survived in a raft for 47 days after a near-fatal plane crash in WWII-only to
be caught by the Japanese Navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.
Universal Pictures purchased the rights to the book in
January 2011, having already acquired the film rights to Zamperini's life
towards the end of the 1950s. Early drafts for the film were written by William Nicholson and Richard LaGravenese while Francis
Lawrence was scheduled to direct. Joel
and Ethan Coen were then tapped to rewrite the script after Jolie was named
Unbroken is the inspiring
true story of a man who lived through a series of catastrophes almost too
incredible to be believed. In evocative, immediate descriptions, Hillenbrand
unfurls the story of Louie Zamperini--a juvenile delinquent-turned-Olympic
runner-turned-Army hero. During a routine search mission over the Pacific,
Louie’s plane crashed into the ocean, and what happened to him over the next
three years of his life is a story that will keep you glued to the pages,
eagerly awaiting the next turn in the story and fearing it at the same time.
You’ll cheer for the man who somehow maintained his selfhood and humanity
despite the monumental degradations he suffered.
Films like “Unbroken,” and the Laura
Hillenbrand novel on which it’s based, capture something we all hope is
true about ourselves—that we too are unbreakable. That when faced with
horrendous, life-threatening situations, we would respond in similar
fashion to Louis Zamperini, finding a new well of courage within ourselves and
surviving the unimaginable. It is the resilience of the human spirit that has
drawn us to films based on true stories again and again to experience pain and
triumph in the relative comfort of a movie theater seat.
Jack O'Connell
as Lou Zamperini
as Lou Zamperini
It played in theatres 25th December, 2014 Wide.
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