The World Remembers Momofuku Ando, the Inventor of Instant Noodles

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The world remembers the inventor of instant noodles, Momofuku Ando. The Taiwanese-Japanese inventor, Ando whose instant noodles revolutionized the food world, was born during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan in 1910, moved to Japan at the age of 23 became a Japanese citizen following World War II. He died in Osaka on Jan. 5, 2007, at the age of 96.

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His invention in 1959 is today the saving grace of virtually all the students in the world. The preparation of the delicacy is quick hence, a redeemer when hungry and in hurry: Just Peel off lid. Pour boiling water. Steep for three minutes. Stir well and serve.

One minute silence for Momofuku Ando please. Silence….

I took instant noodle this morning; Did you?


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